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From nature, the specific solution for every type of sluggish bowel


For physiological action on intestinal transit.

The benefits on intestinal transit of Senna and Rhubarb is assisted and balanced by the carminative activity of plants such as Fennel, Caraway and Mint. Boldo supports physiological liver function.

Key features

  • A wide range of products for slow transit that feature effective, balanced and tolerable formulations.
  • Prompt action thanks to titrated and standardized phytocomplexes.
  • Also available in syrup to swallow more easily; quickly absorbed and easy to dose; very pleasant taste; certified gluten free 100% natural formulation with freeze-dried extracts.

Gentle action on physiological intestinal transit

Ensures maximum effortless cleaning effectiveness

Bulk-forming action Corn starch soluble fiber acts on stool by increasing its volume and improving its consistency.
Osmotic action Freeze-dried Manna from Ash, Tamarind extract, and Plum juice act by drawing water back into the intestines.
Softening and lubricating action The special fiber and water reabsorbed and retained in the intestines make stools especially soft and smooth.

Key features

  • Anthraquinone-free formula, also ideal for children and pregnant women
  • Exclusive synergy of Fiber, Manna, Plum and Tamarind

 Get the complete Platafibra line.

Key features

  • Contains liquid fiber that does not gel or swell
  • Effective and palatable, as proven by use tests
  • Also indicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Ideal in combination with specific products for slowed transit
  • Apple and pineapple flavor make it pleasant to drink